The ideal advice to be said at that particular time is d, "There's a lot to learn, but first get some sleep. I'm here to help you."
Unlike the rest of the options, option d brings more comfort to Marcia and does not bring her worry. If Anna responded with this piece of advice, it would set Marcia at ease and she'll be more accepting of the learning process.
Answer: They were responsible for domestic duties and child care, as well as seasonal fieldwork for wages.
c. self-fulfilling prophecy.
Some studies have shown stereotypes will be present as people act on behalf of them and people being stereotyped will, in turn, reinforce them:
If someone carries an interview with someone from a certain race, he may then have a general assumption of how people from that race behave.
Again, if the interviewer receives an application to see someone from that race, he will most likely treat them according to that set of beliefs.
We refer to the self-fulfilling prophecy as the Pygmalion effect.
Individuals assume certain roles based on the beliefs and assumptions made on them: so if we think of Asiatic people being more intelligent they will tend to be more productive while at work, on the contrary, if we see black or Hispanos as less capable, they will tend to decrease their productivity.
Answer: The first two party’s were the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party