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Answer: C. Chagas disease
Xenodiagnosis is a method of diagnosis and detection of the microorganism responsible for infecting the tissues of the body.
Chagas disease is a potentially life threatening disease. It is caused by the protozoan parasite called as Trypanosoma cruzi. It is transmitted to people through the feces of insects. This disease is common in South and Central America and in Mexico. The xenodiagnosis is used to detect the parasite responsible for the Chagas disease.
There are four nitrogenous bases involved.
A, T, C and G.
A:T and C:G
Watson and Crick were able to develop a more accurate molecular structure because they had access to x-ray crystallography! Pauling didn't actually failed, he just did't have the same means!
By the way, is now known that the real discovery of DNA molecule was made by Rosalind Franklin. Any doubts you can send me a message!
Photon radiation
A high-energy photon beam is by far the most common form of radiation used for cancer treatment. It is the same type of radiation that is used in x-ray machines, and comes from a radioactive source such as cobalt, cesium, or a machine called a linear accelerator (linac, for short).
The speed of radioactive particles is also an important factor in medical use. Beta particles travel very fast. This, combined with their small size, gives them significant penetrating power. In cancer treatment, for example, beams of beta particles can be created outside the patient's body and directed at tumors.