Answer: The Four Levels of Meaning: Formal, Subject, Context, and Iconography. When we see any object, we can immediately understand its form: the physical attributes of size, shape and mass, for instance.
To show the sofa syllable what needs to be used?
Pitch names are letter names derived from the first seven letters of the English Alphabet. The so-fa names are so-fa syllable written as do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, Do. These so-fa names are arranged in ascending or descending order.
I hope this helps
I am going to assume factor payment because there aren't any multiple choice answers.
well you just have the cariters say funny things and do funny things
like this
Jenny: ( looks at homework ) Ugghh why do i have to do this its so boring.
Max: You have to do it to get good grades, so why complane about it.
Kora: ( looks at them) uhhh guys why are you guys complaning it easy as pie.
Jenny: No its not nto just help me!( looks back at homework).
its something like that hope its good :)
A.smooth seeds is the correct answer