It is based on obligation, not on friendship.
Xenia is an ancient Greek belief/ concept of extending hospitality to others, especially strangers. It is this belief that will hold many respectable relationships in Greek culture and even still practiced by some people in the modern world.
In both the Greek culture and the book "The Odyssey" by Homer, the concept of Xenia is presented or practiced. The question is asking which is not true of this concept, so the <u>concept that is not true will be that Xenia is based on religious obligation and not friendship</u>. This is false because, <u>Xenia is based on both religious and friendship obligations, not just one alone</u>. Xenia allows people to be hospitable to one another which can continue for generations, thus, merging with the friendship obligation.
The<u> failure to show xenia can incur the wrath of Zeus is true for Zeus is believed to be the patron of the very concept</u>.
<u>Xenia involves the reciprocal guest-host relationship of hospitality is true because it is about the two parties' relationship of showing hospitality towards one another</u>, the host waiting for the guest to be comfortable before he can ask questions and the guest has to make sure they do nothing wrong against their host. They are also expected to show the same hospitality whenever needed in the future.
<u>Odysseus violated the code of xenia on the island when he was a guest of the Cyclops Polyphemus by stealing his property and hurting him</u>.
The use of blank verse enjambment intensifies the contemplative ad meditative of the poem. Blank verse allows for freedom of form enhancing the tone of the poem which shifts from being hopeful to being hopeless
the use of enjambment helps hold the readers interest across line: to him in the love of nature holds communion with her visible forms she speaks a various language for her gayer hours
Answer: Colon
As Hamlet so aptly advised: "To thine own self be true."
- A Colon is the punctuation mark that is used to direct you to the information. Colon is usually giving the silent impression of ''Which is'' ''As follows'' ''Thus'' ''Which are'' and more. In this case, we can see that colon is more appropriate than semicolon which presents the pause and it is usually used between two independent clauses.
A colon is the punctuation mark with two parallel dots and it can be easily recognized in a sentence.
because the stress is on the second syllable of the base word ending in consonant + vowel + consonant
If a multiple-syllable word ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel and the accent is on the last syllable of the root word, double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel.
e.g. refer – referred, occur – occurrence, commit – committal, rebel – rebellion.
just. this means she does things based on what is morally right.
jubilant. this means she is often excited, rejoicing. overly happy.
joyful. this is similar to jubilant, but means less celebratory and more happy.
why these words could be used to describe jane goodall: wanting to observe and be around the chimpanzees not only to end curiosity, but help people learn more about them so that this knowledge could be used later when learning how to protect them could be considered just and morally right. being able to accomplish so much and just be around happy chimps and know that people support what she did could have made her rather jubilant and celebratory, especially when learning new things about chimps that others had not known before then. she seemed to be an overall happy person, especially around the animals, and people have never really described her as a miserable person to be around. this could make her joyful.