Music has the power to unite people, make us feel at peace, make us feel understood; it is something to dance to, bond over, and even listen to when alone. Music is not just sound, it is its own language and it communicates so much; it is a beautiful thing.
To pretect the brain so people don't get brain damage
Space is the area in which an artwork is organized, and encompasses both what is inside and what is immediately outside, or around, the work. Space can be filled on a page, a canvas, in a room or outdoors, and it is inherent in any physical artwork.
The use of space and the way it is transformed play a role in conveying a creative message.
A the illusion of movement is caused by slow shifts in color
Bob Dylan
Milton Glaser's work on Bob Dylan's album became a landmark in the graphic design of that time, being highly praised and leading Glaser's name to be considered a great authority within the graphic art, for his innovative and futuristic style.
Glaser also made the “I Love NY” poster a contribution to help the city's reputation and what made him one of the most consolidated and successful artists in the country.