Answer: False
In case any victim is suspected from the spinal or neck injury then the victim should not be moved on any side. He must be left untouched.
Doing so can make the person permanently paralysed. Try to cover the front and back of the neck with rolled piece of clothe but do not move the person unnecessarily.
Hence, the given statement is False.
A drug treatment that reduces the risk of relapse to 0
It is time to treat your patient. Your goal is to return her arterial blood oxygen to normal. Use the time and side effect information to drag and drop the treatments to be used first, second and third. Treatment Options 1. Diuretic by Injection 2. Oxygen by Nose 3. Corticosteroids by Nebulizer
The processing power of the mammalian brain is derived from the tremendous interconnectivity of its neurons. An individual neuron can have several thousand synaptic connections. While these associations yield computational power, it is the modification of these synapses that gives rise to the brain's capacity to learn, remember and even recover function after injury. Inter-connectivity and plasticity come at the price of increased complexity as small groups of synapses are strengthened and weakened independently of one another (Fig. 1). When one considers that new protein synthesis is required for the long-term maintenance of these changes, the delivery of new proteins to the synapses where they are needed poses an interesting problem (Fig. 1). Traditionally, it has been thought that the new proteins are synthesized in the cell body of the neuron and then shipped to where they are needed. Delivering proteins from the cell body to the modified synapses, but not the unmodified ones, is a difficult task. Recent studies suggest a simpler solution: dendrites themselves are capable of synthesizing proteins. Thus, proteins could be produced locally, at or near the synapses where they are needed. This is an elegant way to achieve the synapse specific delivery of newly synthesized proteins.
Both type 1 and type 2
Diabetes is a condition of the body in which an individual blood glucose levels remains high. The common form of diabetes is diabetes mellitus. Type I and Type II Diabetes are the types of diabetes mellitus.
Type I diabetes is more common in children and the individuals body does not produce insulin as the immune system attacks the beta cells of pancreas. Type II is most common diabetes in which body is not able to use insulin. Hence, the glucose levels remains high in both Type I and Type II diabetes.
Thus, the correct answer is option (B).