DNS poisoning
This type of attack is known as DNS poisoning it is a very common attack that focuses on trying to redirect users of the site that has been attacked towards fake servers. These fake servers belong to the attackers and are used to collect the user's private data, which can then be used by the attackers for a wide range of malicious acts. Aside from stealing user information, this malicious data travels alongside regular user data allowing it to infect various servers easily.
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- def Lambda(strList):
- return list(filter(lambda s: (s.startswith("e")), strList))
- print(Lambda(["meaning", "cart", "engine", "egg"]))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Lambda function is an anonymous function. It is a function without any name and it is started with keyword lambda. To write a lambda function to filter the string started with an 'e', we can write a lambda expression, s.startswith("e") that work on one input strList. If any word from strList started with letter "e", the word will be added into a list generated by filter function. At the end, the Lambda function will return the list of strings as output.
When we test the Lambda function using the sample string list (Line 4), we shall get ['engine', 'egg'] printed to terminal.