Cyan that sounds right to me.
The nurse determines that the client understands the instruction when she says: <u>d. "If left untreated, my baby might be born with an infection."</u>
Chorioamnionitis is an infection that if left untreated it can cause the amniotic fluid to be infected, as a consequence the fetal longs can be infected and cause a pneumonia during neonetal period.
The symtoms in the feto are tachicardia, in the mother the symptoms are fever and tachicardia.
Intrauterine device/contraceptive
The 2 types are a hormonal IUD or copper IUD.
It is a T-shaped device that is inserted through the cervix and placed in the uterus. It releases a chemical substance that damages sperm in transit to the uterine tubes and prevents fertilization.
Contraindications: active pelvic disease, abnormal uterine bleeding, severe uterine distortion, and for the copper IUD patients with Wilson’s disease and copper allergies.
cancer diagnosis is the answer for this question