The production of crops and farm animals for sale, usually with the use of modern technology: commercial farming methods.
The Ice Ages shaped and sculpted the face of the Earth. Continents that were once connected by land bridges had shifted and separated during the Ice Ages. Therefore without the Ice Ages, Earth would look significantly different, and some of the natural beauties like Niagra Falls would not exist.
A. technology can be used to overcome physical barriers and boundaries
The ability to dam water and use of improved transportation are clear proofs of how we can overcome physical barriers and boundaries.
- Dam water is an engineering revolution by which water can be made available all year round.
- Also, damage to the ecosystem caused by excess water is circumvented.
- Roads that are pliable are of huge important in breaching geographical imitations. A good transport system can make use of this connectivity.
- Air transportation has improved the ease of travel and reduced travel time greatly.
- Both dams and good transportation are clear engineering solutions to overcome limitations of nature.
The subject of science is very broad. With that being said, I think there is no official regulatory board that decides the branches of science. Scientific developments are products of joined efforts of different scientists. These scientists could rebuke another's work provided there is evidence. As long as the theory is generally accepted by the scientists and no one rebukes it effectively, then it is a generally accepted fact and everyone adapts it.
Hence, the answer is B.
A. They would surround an animal and drive it off a cliff.
B. Groups would hide in trees and shoot arrows when an animal was near.
C. The tribe would circle an animal and scare it until the trauma made it fall over.
D. One tribe member would lure one of the large creatures away from rest, and the entire tribe would attack it. select the best