The following are the types of nervous system and their functions.
1. Parasympathetic- functions as the relaxing response.
2. Sympathetic - functions as the flight and fight response.
3. Autonomic - it functions as the controller of automatic response.
4. Somatic- functions as controling voluntary response.
5. Peripheral- works as motor nerves and sensory which runs from and to central nervous system.
6. Central- works as the main interpretation and center of processing.
Scientific law. For example, Law of Universal Gravitation.
Assuming the dominant allele is represented as A, and the genotype as AA and the recessive as a, and genotype as aa; then the F1 will produce the offispring. Aa, Aa, Aa,Aa in ratio: 1:1:1:1:1
This shows the dominance of allele A.
However if two of the F1 generation are crossed then:
The F2 is AA,Aa,Aa,aa the phenotypic ratio is
3 ; 1
W<u>hile the Genotypic ratio is ratio;</u>
<u> 1AA : 2Aa Aa; 1aa(1 ;2;1)</u>
Living and car both move, both release energy, both needs energy to move and both gets damages in accidents.