SC.8.L.18.4A student picked up Ball A off a shelf and threw it. In this action light energy from the sun is transformed into che
mical energy through photosynthesis in food. The chemical energy stored in the student was transformed into mechanical energy as he/she used her muscles to throw the ball. How does this action support the Law of Conservation of Energy? A. Energy was not conserved in this example because the light energy is no longer available.
B. Energy was conserved because the light energy was transformed into various forms in the process.
C. Energy was conserved because different forms of energy were created at various stages in the process.
D. Energy was not conserved because the light energy from the sun was destroyed as the chemical energy was gained through eating.
B. Energy was conserved because the light energy was transformed into various forms in the process. Explanation: Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. However, it can transform into other types of energy. B is the only answer that follows the Law
B. Energy was conserved because the light energy was transformed into various forms in the process.
Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. However, it can transform into other types of energy. B is the only answer that follows the Law of Conservation of Energy.