C) a system is a set of parts that function together as a whole
Vacuoles are storage sacs used for storing liquid and solid contents.they are small in animal cells and large in plant cells.in plant cells vacuoles are full of cell sap and provide turgidity and rigidity to the cell.in single celled organisms like amoeba,the food vacuole contain the food item that amoeba has consumed.in some unicellular organisms specialised vacuoles also play important role in expelling excess water and some waste from the cell.
Hunger is partly controlled by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus, your blood sugar (glucose) level, how empty your stomach and intestines are, and certain hormone levels in your body. Fullness is a feeling of being satisfied.
Destructive interference happens when one wave is oscillating the opposite way as the other one, so it compensates.
<span>If possible, the nurse should confirm the necessary dosage with the assigned doctor or another nurse on duty if the doctor is unavailable. If this is not feasible, the nurse should go with the recommendation from the provider as long as there are no conflicting allergies and relay the information to the doctor as soon as possible.</span>