Positive: Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole. Therefore, a positive decimal is always greater than a negative decimal.
Negative: When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. The farther a negative decimal is from zero, the smaller its value.
All of it put together (same text as above):
Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole. Therefore, a positive decimal is ALWAYS greater than a negative decimal. When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. The farther a negative decimal is from zero, the smaller its value.
Its max is 780
2/3 + 1/6 = 5/6
True because 1/2 an hour is 30 minutes.
Step-by-step explanation:
An imaginary line would need to be drawn at any angle to the center of the side opposite the angle to reflect across an axis of symmetry so that a regular pentagon can carry onto itself. Hope this answer helps.
A=3, B =3, C = 3
Step-by-step explanation:
9/3 (the letters) = 3 Each
3 - 24 - 3 = -27
2a = 6
6 - 3 + 3 = 6
A, b, c, all equal 3.