B. Create a lookup relationship to indicate that a person has an employer
Programmers are professional who build computer softwares.
Creating a lookup relationship to indicate that a person has an employer is the data model used to track the data of a developer creating an enhancement to an application that will allow people to be related to their employer. This data model allows for 25people per object.
In simple words, data mining is defined as a process used to extract usable data from a larger set of any raw data. It implies analysing data patterns in large batches of data using one or more software.
The window operating system is popularly known as a graphical user interface(GUI)
older operating systems were command line based but window uses a gui
i). Signed magnitude
Five bit representation = 11111
For positive 5 bit representation = 01111 = +15
For negative 5 bit representation = 11111 = -15
ii). One's complement
For positive 5 bit representation = 01111 =+15
For negative 5 bit representation = 10000 = -15
iii). Two's compliment
For positive 5 bit representation = 01111 = -15
For negative 5 bit representation = 10001 = +15
Ping and traceroute locally and on a remote server. Locally it will tell if you local setup is correct and to test your network communication it needs to travel over a network.