Diatomic molecules consist of two atoms that are chemically bonded. The two atoms can be the same or different chemical elements. As for whether or not they are compounds, there is not technically an answer. This is because all compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds. For example diatomic molecules that comprise the chemical compounds nitric acid, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen chloride are made up of two different elements. As you can see, most diatomic molecules are not made up of the same kind of elements and not every diatomic molecule comprises a chemical compound.
hope this helps :)
Cement is a combination of calcium, silicone, aluminum, iron and lots of other ingredients to make side walks, home made crafts, etc. The person who invented concrete is Joseph Aspdin.
The function does residual Co2 plays big part and in
maintaining the body’s homeostasis. The addition of respiratory to reserve
volume or residual volume. The lung is
the one that who protect the organs, so in exchange of oxygen and carbon
sulfur has 4p electrons.
phosphorus has 3p electrons.
The question is asking which one has 4
It has denatured
When the temperature get high the enzymes tend to change shape and denaturing occurs.