As tom grow older he begins to worry about his external soul so he turn to church attendance.
It illustrates how volcanic rock contributed to the formation of two islands at different times in the earth's history.
It doesn't talk about B and C, but D doesn't make sense either because that only occurred to the Hunga island.
When one country takes over another that speaks a different language. They would have to change the prominent language used or it may become a mix.
Dude, I know that feeling. I did the IB program, and let me tell you, the IB program is stupid difficult. All these giant essays hunting you down, Theory of Knowledge classes, and gross requirements of volunteer hours. I had this biology teacher who always gave us tests that were impossibly hard, but he had always told us something after the test results were given back to us. He would always say "It's just one test. If you failed it, sure it's going to impact your grade. One quarter of one year of your entire life will be slightly impacted by this test grade. Don't worry about the numbers. You're going to have a life." That phrase never left my memory, and I often go back to it whenever I'm stressed about school or life.
soda could be dangerous to ones health