(1) prevent tyranny by acting as a check on power
Branches of government ensures that no one person takes total control of the government. Each branch also has specific responsibilities giving each authority in the government.
Montesquieu was an Enlightenment thinker who believed a government would fall to tyranny when the government or ruler had no one to answer to. By creating a system of branched government, the ruler(s) have a check on their power and have to answer to another body of the government. This system was used in the US under the Constitution by creating three branches of power: executive, legislative, and judicial.
To help other nations improve their healthcare, agriculture and education is what describes the purpose of the peace corp program.
West Florida took the side of the Loyalists; while East Florida strongly
supported the Patriots.
Britain passed the intolerable act because of the Boston Tea Party as a countermeasure for the misbehavior of the colonists.
Hector Perez Garcia was a Mexican-born American civil rights pioneer. When he came back to the united states after fighting in WWll he joined the LULAC. He firmly believed that citizens could be agents of change, and advocated non-violent, civic solutions to discrimination and segregation. From school sit-ins to voter registration drives, Dr. Garcia led a movement that effected real change in his community and far beyond. Garcia helped with surgical procedure that people could not afford it or were denied treatment. He litterally changed the face of the world.