Peter the Great; he ruled over Russia. His biggest accomplishments are making the country much bigger than it was, and the reformation that took place when he modernized and westernized the country.
Ivan the Terrible; he ruled over Russia. He conquered large territories, mostly in Central Asia and Siberia, and he also reformed the country by making it from a medieval country to an empire.
Catherine II; she ruled over Russia. Her biggest accomplishments are making the Russian Empire much bigger than what it was, and gaining a status and recognition as one of the European superpowers.
D. a foreign policy stance that espouses a unilateral approach to protecting the best interests of the United States.
This sort of policy agenda was part of the "neoconservative" view of a number of President George W. Bush's advisers -- especially some who had also served in the administration of his father, President George H.W. Bush. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, there was a desire to push American values and not be shy about doing so with the use of American military might. Sometimes referred to as the "Bush Doctrine," the core ideas were that the United States could pursue this goals on its own (without need for United Nations partnerships), that preemptive strikes were allowable against countries that harbored terrorists, and that regime change for the sake of promoting democracy was a good strategy.
b. The leadership of Andrew Jackson
Write down five reasons why people from other districts have migrated to Khap.