Internet Tax Freedom Act
The Internet Tax Freedom Act was signed into law in 1998 by President Bill Clinton and has since been reviewed until the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act was passed into law on the 9th of June, 2015 by President Barrack Obama.
The Act requires that internet sales are equally treated as mail-order sales.
A slide *transition* is the word you're looking for, well I mean, if you're using powerpoint it is.
These are company brand logo
These are company brand logo, and you will find it on all products of that company, plus generally you will find them on each page of their website as well as mobile application.
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not sure if this is the type of answer you're looking for but: Entertainment can relate to coding because in TV shows and movies, there is lots of editing. Especially with cartoons. Inorder to make these, we have to use coding. This can even relate to real life plays and preformenses depending on how much technology you use to preform them.