The cell would fail to function. It would likely fail to properly replicate DNA properly or transcribe genes.
The nucleus holds the genetic information, the DNA. If the nucleus does not grow properly, the DNA might not fit or be properly organized inside. This would mean DNA replication could not proceed as normal, and the DNA might not even be able to fit inside the nucleus!
The cell would also struggle to properly transcribe the DNA if the nucleus is not fully formed. DNA acts as a template for mRNA transcription, which directs protein synthesis. The cell will very quickly die if there are inaccuracies in protein synthesis due to mRNA not being adequately synthesized.
OK well first of all I hate biology but I like writing so you can use :: The molecular reactions of cellular respiration transform Krebs cycle into the more readily available bond energy of ATP.
They are clastic sedimentary rocks
Sandstones, siltstones and shales are all clastic sedimentary rocks.
Clasitc sedimentary rocks are derived from other rock types.
These rock types typically forms from the suspended and bed load of erosion. The weathering of rocks provides the materials that forms these rock types.
The difference between the three rock types is based on their size. Shales are the finest while sandstones are made up of sandsized particles. Siltstones are in the middle.