The function in Python is as follows:
def greetings(details):
details = details.split(' ')
print('Hello, '+details[0]+'!, I also enjoy '+details[2])
This defines the function
def greetings(details):
This splits the input string by space
details = details.split(' ')
This prints the required output
print('Hello, '+details[0]+'!, I also enjoy '+details[2])
After splitting, the string at index 0 represents the name while the string at index 2 represents the hobby
If I remember correctly, I believe it's <body></body>
The python code is attached
- I defined a function called Fullname
- The function accepts 2 parameters first and last
- last[0] gives the first letter of the last variable
- last[0].upper() modifies the first letter as upper letter
- same applied to variable first
- + sign concatenates strings and variables to the variable name
- the function returns the variable name
A worm as a multicell organism, but a virus is a single cell.