Marco is viewed by this family as "fictive kin".
We can define fictive kin as the individuals who are viewed as being a piece of a family despite the fact that they are not related by either blood or marriage bonds. Fictive kinship may tie individuals together in ties of love, concern, commitment, and obligation.
The term Fictive kinship may likewise be utilized as a part of a legitimate sense, and this utilization proceeds in social orders where these classes and definitions with respect to family relationship and social ties have lawful cash; e.g. in issues of legacy.
The correct answer is C. The hypothesis of the study.
In research, informed consent implies the researcher needs to inform potential participants about different aspects of the research and their participation, in this way they can decide whether or not to participate. This includes explaining potential participants about possible harms or benefits, procedures they will be involved in, among others. However, the researcher is not forced to inform them about the hypothesis of the study as this might influence participants' answers or performance and thus make the research invalid.
One of the primary reasons for the reinvigoration of slavery was the invention and rapid widespread adoption of the cotton gin. This machine allowed Southern planters to grow a variety of cotton - short staple cotton - that was especially well suited to the climate of the Deep South.
Islam as a religion is being referred to as a religion that promotes peace.
One of the things that shape the way moslems(Muslims) live is what is known as the "Pillars of Islam". The Pillars of Islam are five in number and they include;
- Believing that there is no other God except in Allah and his Prophet, Mohammad (SAW).
- Praying five times everyday(that is salat) facing Mecca.
- Giving alms to the poor(Zakat).
- observing Ramadan, that is fasting.
- Pilgrimage.
It is to implement the outcome of popular vote.