None of the above... Ingumentary system is the one that regulates body temperature. The ingumentary system is skin, hair , sweat glands and nails
The answer is penicillin
Rheumatic fever is a disease that caused by Group A streptococcus infection. The bacteria has component that similar to the heart valve cells, makes the immune cell attack it. The drug of choice for this infection is penicillin G benzathine injection. It is one of penicillin family drug that has high prevalence of allergy reaction, so you must be aware.
Prokaryotes are the most primitive organism that exists on earth. They have the simplest form of body organization and they do not perform complex tasks.
The eukaryotic cell has nucleus in it and they have more complex machinery in their body to perform various tasks accordingly.
The nucleus of the prokaryotes are not enclosed in the nuclear membrane and it is dissolve in the cytoplasm. It lacks true nucleus.
Eukaryotes have nucleus enclosed inside nuclear membrane.
Scientists worked backwards by looking into the amino acid sequence to determine the DNA base. They started with the mRNA which transcribes the codon into respective amino acids. This human gene is found on top of chromosome 11 in human DNA.
c) Emus ostriches and meas are similar to the glyptodon
Only answer that supports the idea of evolution.