The alveoli are lined with mucus and are surrounded by a network of blood capillaries. They have very thin walls for gases to be absorbed through. An individual air sac is called an alveolus. The layer of moisture in the alveoli allows gases to dissolve so that they can diffuse quickly.
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Month 1
Embryo formation
Fetus development
Month 2
Fetus growth
External organs begin to differentiate
Month 3
Eyelids form
Nose begins to develop
Face starts to form
Month 4
Organ systems complete
Fetal circulation complete
Placenta complete
Distinct fingers and toe
Month 5
Fetus size 10 – 17 cm
Heartbeat is present
Sex differentiated
Rudimentary kidneys formed
Month 6
Fetus size 25 cm
Weight 260gms
Fetal movements felt by mother
Langua covers
Month 7
Fetus size 28 – 36cm
Weight 680gms
Eyebrows and finger nails develop
Wrinkled skin
Month 8
Fetus size 35 – 38 cm
Weight 1200 – 1800gm
Eyes open and close
Skin is red
Month 9
Fetus size 42 – 49 cm
Weight 1900 – 2700 gms
Eyelids open
Amniotic fluid decreases
Month 10
Fetus 48 – 52 cm
Weight 3000g
Smooth skin
Bones osstifies
The binary fission , is the asexual reproduction which is found in prokaryotes. In binary fission a cell divide into two daughter cell. Amoeba is the best example of binary fission in which gentic material is divide and via mitotic division further cell is divide into to daughter cell . So we conclude that, the result of binary fission is formation of daughter cell.
Natural selection, an animal with white fur won't survive in an area with green grass and leaves, but a brown or a green animal would
The types of unconformities that can occur in rock layers are: ANGULAR, NONCONFORMITY and DISCONFORMITY.