Answer:a) he has a flashbulb memory for this event.
A flashbulb memory :
This is a memory that contains many details with a clearer snapshot of a situation that had aroused emotional feelings on the person when they first heard about the situation.
They are stored in long term memory and they focus on the specific situations which were shocking ,emotional arousing when we first encountered with them or heard about them. These memories makes us remember most details such as where it happened , what were the emotions and what was there at that time because they are vivid snapshot in our mind of these events.
Some situations that form this kind of memory are when we lose a person we love the moment we heard about it get restored as a flashbulb memory. Emotions are key factors that makes us have flashbulb memory.
although overtime these memory may decrease in the level of accuracy but still a person remains confident about the details
Hakeem's daughter birthday surely made him so excited and happy which makes him remember all the details and probably because he keeps telling the story over and over again.
I believe it is Catholic-Christianity
For years, the primary religion in Europe has been traditional Catholicism.
Findings are consistent: participation in correctional education reduces recidivism.
After reading the Evaluation of the Windham School District Correctional Education Programs, it becomes clear that offenders who obtained a GED while incarcerated actually had lower rates of recidivism, (compared to offenders who did not have a GED). Programs are designed with the aim to provide offenders with the skills needed to obtain employment when they are released, so it's easier for them to fit into society.
This is the encoding stage, the first stage when we receive external input for memory. This can come in the form of visual stimuli, acoustic stimuli and semantic meaning of the event, it is when the situation is going on and the brain/mind is making sense of it, if there is no such event there cannot be an experience to think about in the future. At least semantic meaning must be coupled with the stimuli as we have to ascribe a meaning to the situations we come across, and in some, if not most cases, the three forms are coupled to form the basis of memory.
The other stages are storage and retrieval. The storage stage is related to how long, how well and how a given event interacts with other events in one's life. The last stage is the retrieval stage which is when we try to remember a given stuation.
The Senate has the sole power to conduct impeachment trials, essentially serving as jury and judge.