Too much conformity can result in conforming to norms even when they are dysfunctional which will ultimately hurt the organization and their end goals. <span />
Hygiene factors- involves the presence or absence of job dissatisfiers, such as working conditions, pay, company policies, interpersonal relationships. When poor work is dissatisfying. Good does not motivate employees.
had a lurking suspicion that they would be converted to Christianity
under the new regime. The fear was largely due to the activities of some
of the activities of some Christian missionaries who openly ridiculed
the customs and the traditons of both Hindus and Muslims.The English
also established Chapels and Churches for propagating Chritianity at the
expense of the government. Even civil and military officers were asked
to propagate the gospel. The religious sentiments of the people were
further hurt when a tax was imposed on property held by temples and
mosques. </span>
1. They are not sure if they are making the right decision
2.two parties may not be enough
3.they are not educated enough
4.they are not a citizens