Average speed is distance divided by time. Velocity is speed in a given direction. Acceleration is change in velocity divided by time.
C) Genes are in the order: a-b-c.
Answer: A specific chemical binding to nociceptors
Usually the lava flows come towards the end of the eruption, once the magma has lost enough of its volatiles to flow more quietly. Cinder cone eruptions are comparatively short lived, and thus cinder cones are much smaller features than stratovolcanoes and shield volcanoes (usually no more than a mile at the base).
as a teacher i can help
q1 is d, a phenotype is how you look, so its 4. q2 is b, its one possiblity out of 4, so its 1. q3 is a, thats a pedigree chart, so its 7. q4 is c, if they both are expressed they are co dominate, so its 2.