In catalase chemical reaction of hydrogen peroxide, the enzyme will change hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. In this case, hydrogen peroxide will be the substrate. If there is more substrate available, then the chance for the enzyme to bind to the substrate will be higher, thus the reaction speed will be higher in solution with higher hydrogen peroxide
The supply curve for paper would shift to the left.
What is a supply curve?
In economics, the supply curve is a graphic depiction of the relationship between the price of a good and the amount of it that a seller is willing and able to supply. The graph's horizontal axis represents supply quantity and the vertical axis represents product pricing.
Given that there is a direct correlation between product price and quantity delivered, the supply curve is typically depicted as a slope increasing higher from left to right. Certain ceteris paribus (other things being equal) requirements must hold true for this relationship to exist.
to learn more about supply curve with the help of given link:
The bones of your arms are called humerus, while your forearms are composed of two bones, the radius and ulna. The bones of your fingers are called metacarpals and each one of those small bones are called phalanges.
The bones of your shoulders are composed of the clavicle, the bony part seen just right under the neck. Part of the shoulder area is the scapula, which is located at the back part of the body attached to the upper part of the ribs. They are the triangle-shaped bones you feel when you cross your arms at the back.
The bones of your thighs are called femur, they are the largest bones in your body. While the bones of your legs are called tibia and fibula. The bones of your toes are called tarsals and each are composed of smaller bones called metatarsals. Your heels also have bones and they are called calcaneus.
The bones of your pelvis are called Coxal bones as a whole but they are composed of the illium (biggest part of your hips); the pubic bone, located along the reproductive organ; the sacrum and coccyx all located at the base of the spine.
A). dissolved into other substances
Process of elimination-
B) loss of protons-mechanical reaction
D) reorganized into different substances-physical reaction
Sabemos que los caracteres dependen de los genes. Y los genes pueden presentarse en forma de alelos dominantes, o alelos recesivos. La expresión de los alelos recesivos son enmascarados o escondidos por el alelo dominante. Es decir, que si ambos alelos se encuentran juntos en un heterocigota, solo el alelo dominante se expresará.
Entonces el alelo dominante expresa la característica que resulta dominante, mientras que el alelo recesivo expresa la característica recesiva.
- Homocigota dominante ----> Expresa caracter dominante (Solo el alelo dominante esta presente)
- Heterocigota -------------------> Expresa el caracter dominante (Ambos alelos estan presentes, pero el dominante es quien se expresa)
- Homocigota recesivo --------> Expresa el caracter recesivo (solo alelos recesivos estan presentes)
Por ejemplo, si tenemos dos fenotipos rojo y amarillo, y sabemos que el color esta codificado por un gen dialelico llamado M. También supongamos que no sabemos qué alelo expresa qué color. Teniendo solo estos datos, no podemos decir si el rojo es el color dominante o si el amarillo lo es.
Sin embargo, si tenemos los siguientes genotipos acompañando esta información:
- MM--> Amarillo
- Mm--> Amarillo
- mm --> Rojo
Recién ahora podemos deducir que el caracter dominante es el amarillo.