Answer: hello your question are based on the excerpt <em>The Alchemist </em>
He believes Santiago shouldn't have to clean just to eat
To feed the hungry as commanded by the Koran
He feels he wont have anything to live for again
Cleansing of his heart of bad thoughts and
building of a display case outside the shop to attract customers
The Crystal merchant fed Santiago because he believes he shouldn't have to clean before he can feed him and moreover the Koran commands
The obligation the Crystal merchant desires to do is to feed the hungry as commanded by the Koran
He doesn't go because he feels he would lose everything ( i.e. he wont have anything to live for )
The two new ideas suggested by Santiago are : Cleansing of his heart of bad thoughts and building of a display case outside the shop to attract customers
1. The form of the. French imperialism was a direct imperialism. Napoleon 3rd. after the Coretta he had a belief of if France won't expand their territory to East.
Answer: The contrast effect is a magnification or diminishment of perception as a result of previous exposure to something of lesser or greater quality, but of the same base characteristics.