A group comparison study
In group comparison study, an experiment compares two groups(the beareaved and nonbeareaved adults in the above study) such as in testing the effects of a treatment where a "comparison group" receives either an alternative treatment or no treatment so that it functions as a source of "counterfactual" causal inference for the purpose of the experiment.
3/4s of the States are needed to ratify an amendment to the Constitution.
Today, this would mean that 38 states would need to approve an amendment at the state level for the amendment to be added.
If an individual does not want to use PowerPoint to present, their are other technological applications he could use. These include: Canvas, slides, Prezi etc.
<h3>What is PowerPoint?</h3>
PowerPoint programs are presentation programs used to present or deliver talks, shows, presentation of data and information using text, and even transitional effects and images. This program was developed by Robert Gaskin and Dennis Austin in the year 1987.
Instead of PowerPoint, an individual can also make use of other presentation applications such as Canvas, slides etc. There are numerous options to choose from if PowerPoint cannot be used.
Learn more about PowerPoint here: