No all rock dont have to go through a complete life cycle......i mean some could it but it dont have to be in any exact order ..... so your answer would be false
The Answer -
A. The amount of land available for lumber production decreases.
Do to the Urban development there is fewer land and less trees to grow and cut down for lumber, which can lead in a decrees if production for lumber.
1. DDAA, DdAa
2. DDaa, Dada
3. ddAA, ddAa
4. ddaa
5. The phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1 where 9 combinations will produce offspring with both dominant phenotypes (dimples and brown hair), 3 will produce offspring with one dominant phenotype and one receive phenotype (dimples, blonde hair), 3 will produce offspring with one receive phenotype and one dominant phenotype (no dimples, brown hair), and one will produce offspring with both recessive phenotypes (no dimples, blonde hair)
reproductive cells like eggs and sperm
conservation is saving and reducing. To help save the earth .. Conservation is the preservation or efficient use of resources,