A hormon called leptin has been...
The temperature will decrease
The correct answer is A.
A seed is a small embryonic plant bounded in a casing called the seed coat. It is often enclosed with some food as well. The seed is comprised of the embryo and the tissue from the mother-plant, which is the plant the seed stems from. The mother-plant can also sprout a funnel around the seed in coniferous plants. The ripened ovule of gymnosperm and angiosperm plants is what matures into the seed. This ensues after fertilization. The seed is produced in the fruits of the plants. The process of seed formation starts with double fertilization in the angiosperm. It requires the fusion of the egg and sperm to produce a zygote. Next, the fusion of the nuclei with a second sperm cell nucleus occurs and forms a primary endosperm. The zygote produced at the beginning of the process through fertilization remains inactive whereas the primary endosperm goes onto divide at a rapid rate to form the endosperm tissue. This tissue will then be used as food for the new plant and will be used until after germination, which is when the roots will have sprouted. Alternatively, it can also develop into a hard seed coat. The formation of the actual seed happens right at the end of the process of reproduction, after the growth of the flowers and pollination develops.