Answer: Option C
One of the main reason why we do maintenance or why we maintain the status of something is because of its values , we want to appreciate the value that is why we maintain properties and things pertaining to us.
To the question, relaying a well maintained yard will convey a general nature of externality of it for its value , a well maintained yard will beautify the surrounding buildings, of course we cant have a yard without a building, it beautifies a building, it showcases it real market value. In conclusion, a well maintained yard will increase a home market value to be appreciated.
I think this is a wrong question?
Canada has the longest coast line in the world.
Canada is then followed by followed by indonesia which is followed by norway. As you can see by conuntry europe is third
Judaism is a monotheistic religious tradition, which asserts the belief that there is only one God. The sacred texts of Judaism are the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, and the Talmud, the collection of interpretations of the Torah
About 10x the population for sure