A unitary system of government is a monarchy. Which means that the country is ruled by one person or a group of people. An example of a unitary system is a country that is run by a royal family, that consists of kings and queens.
A federal system is a system is a system of government that is run but not ruled by a government that has many different political parties and many different people. The United States is an example of a federal system.
Fort Peck Dam
A picture of the Fort Peck Dam by Margaret Bourke-White was on the cover of the first issues of Life Magazine on November 23, 1936 as it was considered an icon of the 1930's and an example of the CCC work under the New Deal.
The Berlin airlift, organized by the United States, was aimed at giving goods/resources to citizens of West Berlin. This airlift lasted roughly a year and the US provided over 2 million tons of cargo to these citizens. Without this airlift and support from the United States, West Berlin was in danger of falling under the control of the Soviet Union (who at this time already controlled East Berlin).
bc they are not recwared to do said thing