Liza is asked whether a person should steal food if they are starving. Liza says no, the person should ask for help and someone would offer food. Liza's answer is BEST explained by kohlberg.
Lawrence Kohlberg is a psychologist best known for his theory of stages of moral development, he expanded on the earlier work of Jean Piaget( cognitive theorist) to explain the moral development of children in which he believe follows series of stage. He defines these stage as pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional, each of these levels are divided into two stages for a total of six stage.Lawrence Kohlberg moral development plays an important part in the socialization process, it helps us to learn the way people in a society are considered to be good or bad which is important for functioning society.
Liza says no because she believe in moral of not stealing, so the person should ask for help when they are starving and someone would offer food.
The main goal was the total elimination of poverty and racial injustice
Absolutism is helped along by a sense of need for centralized control over all affairs.
Absolutism often takes over in societies that suffer from disorder and uncertainty about the future whee the people start believing that there is a need for a single strong leader who is authoritative and can do what they want to help the country without any constrictions in their work.
Usually such a view comes at the expense of trusting institutions in the modern world but ends up badly as absolutism is the perfect seed for the dictatorships of the world to prevail in.
Answer: Accommodating
Explanation: Every mode of conflict resolution comes with its own positives and negatives. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode identifies five conflict styles and provides guidelines or rules regarding when each is appropriate in a conflict situation. For the situation in the question above, Mr. Chin should apply the accommodating conflict handling style when trying to resolve matters with Brad. Accommodating describes when a person is cooperative, but not assertive wherein they try to satisfy the other person’s concerns (in this case Xerox copiers) at the expense of their own (the copiers currently used by the office). The result is to give in or yield which in turn promotes peace, collaboration, harmony, good-will and reciprocity.
Accommodating doesn't come without its drawbacks which is mostly felt by the person themselves giving in themselves.