Answer: this is an example of <u>operant variability.</u>
Operant variability means that results of an operation may vary so responses are sometimes easy to predict, at other times responding seems highly variable, unpredictable, or even random. The inability to predict is generally attributed to ignorance of controlling variables.
You have not showed any timeline to get the information from?
Because the earth is spherical, the position of Polaris relative to the horizon depends on the location of the observer. Consequently, the angle between the northern horizon and Polaris is equal to the observer's latitude.
Answer: Accommodation
Accommodation is a term in psychology which is coined by the psychologists Jean Piaget to describe the fact that when a person acquires new information then he or she has to modify the existing previous knowledge in order to respond to the situation.
The person makes changes in the behavior and actions to show response to the situation.
According to the given situation, Randall was not aware about the fact that how a golf club and golf club is required to be used for playing gold. He tried to use the golf club as a baseball bat, and tennis racquet. But he later realized to modify the use of golf club by swinging it, which is the ideal use of golf club. Thus here Randall is accommodating the knowledge with the situation.
Answer: They both reinforce, contradict.
Language development and cognition are together when considering a child's development. The fact that a child would learn anything at all including language will have to do with their cognitive ability. Stronger language skills means strong cognitive skills and vice versa, they work with each other