When Olga is driving to work one day, a speeding driver runs a red light, broadsides her, and injures her in the crash. Her fami
ly possesses good crisis-meeting resources like strong family relationships, health insurance, and access to medical care. According to Hill's (1958) ABC-X Model, which posited why some families do better than others in hard times, the crisis management resources are _____.
The Crisis Management Resources are processes by which an organization like the family of Olga deals with a disruptive and unexpected event that threatens to harm the organization. it is a situation-based management system that includes clear roles and responsibilities and processes related . The aim of crisis management is to be well prepared for crisis, ensure a rapid and adequate response to the crisis, maintaining clear lines of reporting and communication in the event of crisis and agreeing rules for crisis termination. Also, family crisis intervention is based on crisis theory and involves the use of individual crisis intervention techniques with one or more family members starting with the person who initiates the request for help.
ABC-X model according to Hill's Model is used for analysing stress and coping within families. The 'A' represents the stressor event which is the injury as a result of the crash 'B' involves the resources available to a family which includes the strong family relationships, health insurance and access to medical care, 'C' which involves the family perception to the stressor and 'X' the likelihood of crisis.
In conclusion, the strong family relationships, health insurance, and access to medical care are the good crisis-meeting resources Olga's family possesses.
Crisis Management Resources are resources that an individual uses to deal with incidents or situations that are disruptive or unexpected which has the potential to cause them harm or put them in harm's way.
An example of Crisis management resources are Strong family relationships. Strong family relationships is a resource that a person can use when in crisis to manage the situation. This makes the person understand that they have somebody they can depend on or call to for help whenever they are faced with an unexpected or disruptive situation. An example of a disruptive or unexpected situation is an accident .
Answer: The Congress had no authority to levy taxes, and was required to request money, supplies, and troops from the states to support the war effort. Individual states frequently ignored these requests.