I wrote this myself, it should be working. I think this is what the instructions were looking for.
The code below should return
Squared: 1296
Mod: 0
Quadrupled: 16
def threeParams(squared, mod, quadruples):
array = [squared, mod, quadruples]
array[0] = squared ** 2
array[1] = mod % 5
array[2] = quadruples * 4
return array
valueArr = threeParams(36, 15, 4)
print(f"Squared: {valueArr[0]}\nMod: {valueArr[1]}\nQuadrupled: {valueArr[2]}")
Answer: Web developer
Explanation: Web developer is a job where you have to develop World Wide Web applications by programming or applications that run over the internet, and this degree would need a degree in information technology
The other degrees needed for the following jobs:
1. Radiology engineer: Radiology is a study of diagnosing and treating diseases with the help of medical imaging. So, it needs a degree in medical combined with physics and chemistry.
2. Toxicologist broadcast technician: is a job where the technician has to determine the factors which contributed to a person’s death. So, a person should have a degree in medicine to become a toxicologist technician
Answer: sorry we cannot help
A. True.
Programming languages are computer based languages used to pass instructions or task that can be interpreted to machine language, which can be understood by the computer system. Low level programming language and high level programming language are the two categories of program languages.
Low level languages use low level commands. They use processor instruction sets and primitive opcodes for their instruction syntax. Example of a low level language is Assembly language.
High level languages are English based and more complex in its compilation.
Referred to a
color's brightness.
Tone in publishing refers to the shading of light and dark
on an object. When we discuss the element of tone, we discuss light and dark.
Color’s brightness on the other hand is the relative lightness or darkness of a
certain color. Brightness is normally influenced by a color’s lightness and
thus, tone is the color’s brightness.