Trichonympha lives in the gut of termites and digests cellulose eaten by the termite.
If the inner lining of the air sacs neither thin nor highly vascularized, then it can be inferred that AIR SACS ARE CANNOT BE THE SITES OF GASEOUS EXCHANGE BETWEEN AIR AND BLOOD. Air sacs are generally lined with mucus and surrounded with blood capillaries.
In case of birds, air sacs play an important role in respiratory system.
The chart very nicely lays out the amino acid each codon corresponds to. You're looking for "trp" in the chart, which only appears once, beside the UGG codon. Therefore, only one codon codes for tryptophan.
Coefficients of Absorption for Common Materials
Perforated acoustic ceiling material 60%
Heavy curtains 50%
Carpeting 20%
Wood 5%
Plaster 3%
Clay tile 3%
Concrete 2%
The answer is C. Heavy curtains
When there is enough food there is always excelling Reproduction