Carbon dating is a process that estimates the age of anything. However, there are flaws that exist. It may not be a precise number, but it does gives a good estimation.
guard cells
they control the opening and closing of the stomata
DNA<span> is transcribed into RNA, 1 base of </span>DNA<span> corresponds to 1 base of RNA, this 1 to 1 relation is not used in the translation to </span>protein<span>. During this translation, 1 amino acid is added to the </span>protein strand for every 3 bases in the RNA so b<span>efore double stranded </span>DNA<span> is turned into </span>protein<span> it first goes through a process called transcription. </span>
The process by which unspecialized cells become specialized into one of many different types of cells, such as neurons or epithelial cells.
because malnutrition causes various health issues and diseases, lowers your immune system, and causes death.