Life would have been different without the locomotive because you could not travel to far places quickly and efficiently. To get there you might have to walk, but you could be kidnapped, robbed, or catch a sickness. With the locomotive, you could get to places such as California safer and quicker.
1. The correct answer is A. Forced sterilization. According to Julian Huxley, if there was a mentally defective indivilual, the principal goal of eugenics in this case was to make sure that this indivilual will not produce children, chich meant sterilization of the unit.
2. The correct answer is A. The Kennedy family. The whole Kennedy family dedicated themselves to helping people, and children in particular, with disabilities. To be more precise, the Kennedy family did their best to help and support disabled people in the fields of art and sport.
Connecting past and present helps you see how humans have chosen to deal with conflict, which can lead to war, political debate, neighborhood riots, discrimination, etc. But also linking past and present helps us see how humans have solved any problems they have come across. Whether it be an economic issue, something that effects many people, or a personal issue.
Equal Protection refers to the idea that a governmental body may not deny people equal protection of its governing laws. The governing body state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances.