Presence of similar fossils, existence of folded mountains and the coastlines that match
The fossils of Lystrosaurus which became extinct were located in South Africa, India and Antartica, similarly, fossils of Glossopteris which became extint in the Permian period were found in South America, Antarctica, India, and South Africa
Folded Mountains
The Cape Fold Belt was a continuous mountain ranging with the Argentinian Ventana Mountains, the East Antarctic Pensacola Mountains, the West Antarctic Ellsworth Mountains and the Australian Hunter-Bowen orogeny
The shapes of the adjacent coastlines of South America and Africa are scene to be a close match up by observation on a map.
<em>C. His original objective in his 1492 voyage was to find a westerly route to the Orient. He never reached the Orient.
"Christopher Columbus" was an Italian explorer and a navigator. His voyage in 1492 was an endeavor to reach the Orient using the shortest path.
Columbus failed to reach the Orient and reached Indies, partly due to some error and partly due to the thought process. This route was shorter than the original route by approximately 7000 miles.
Columbus and his cruise had landed on islands surrounding Asia uncertain of the region where they landed. It is said that they stepped on the Watling Island.
I believe it is the Tigris-Euphrates river valley
Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. He served two terms in office from 1829 to 1837.
Do you mean her overall purpose? Like how she wanted to give all of the people in public art and urban culture a voice so she organized groups to create multiple murals? Or are you talking about a specific mural?