Too much melatonin can have the opposite effect of its intended purpose. It can make it harder to sleep because your normal circadian rhythms will be disrupted. An overdose can also leave you feeling groggy and sleepy during the day and give you nightmares or extremely vivid dreams at night.
D. Mature bone cells replace cartilage
The Romans believed because of knowledge obtained from the Greeks that diseases where connected to <u>bad water and unhealthy sewage</u>
And as a result began to develop a <u>sanitation system</u>
The Romans learnt from and made use of Ancient Greek ideas, by not just copying them but apparently to improve the peoples quality of life.
The Romans had the believe that bad water and water and unhealthy sewage are the likely cause of bad health and the cause of illness where due to nature rather than man made
With the knowledge the Romans obtained from the Greeks they developed a sanitation system that helps improve the health of the people.
Forward bends would prepare him for sprinting.