Answer: Refuse the listing
Explanation:Listing is a term mainly used in trade of stocks, bonds,real and and other commodities,when a potential vendor(a person given the authority to sell or the owner who wants to sell) has specifically stated that he will not be entraining any offers from a client it is better to refuse the listing in order to prevent any dispute or conflicts which can arise due to the preferences from the vendor.
Domestic policy refers to those statutes and regulations that apply to activities wholly contained within the United States' borders.
Answer: False.
Continental islands are those located on a continental shelf, as is the case of several of the world's bigger islands. It´s believed that the continental islands were linked to the continent but separated at some point, becoming unsubmerged portions of the continental shelf encircled by water.
Greenland, Sable Island, Barbados, Trinidad, and New Guinea are examples of continental islands.