To pick the best canidate/ representative to be the face of the political party
2) Supreme Court Denies Privacy Rights Of Students
right answer i guessed it on a test and got it correct.
3 basic rights.
1.Religious freedom
2. Freedom of speach
3. Freedom of the press
All of our rights even inalianable rights come with limits.
The only right that has no limits is the freedom of thought which is the same as religious freedom. You have the right to think and believe anything. But even that has restrictions on how you can act on your beliefs. Your religious beliefs are not a license to do anything related to that belief. You can't engage in human sacrifice as a ritual for the belief. You can't hide behind your religous beliefs as a sheild against prosecution for murder.
"Freedom of religion embraces two concepts, -freedom to believe and freedom to act. The first is absolute, but in the nature of things the second cannot be. ~ <em>Cantwell v Connecticut.</em>
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The freedom of speach also has limits. You can say anything but you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. Doing so could cause a stampede and endanger the lives of others. Likewise, we have an impeachment case before the Senate right now in which the former president incited a riot at the Capital complex that caused the death of 6 people. The question before the Senate is did the former President incite a riot causing death and destruction of public property?
The freedom of the press is a first amendment right. But that doesn't give a publisher the right to slander or print falsehood about another person. The freedom of assembly is another 1st amendment right, but there is a difference between a lawful and peaceful assembly and a riot that results in the death of 5 people and the destruction of property.
The correct answer to the following question will be "National supremacy".
- A term used only to characterize the United States Constitution's power over laws put in place by nations that might be at variance with either the ideals maintained by the fathers of the republic once they established the transitional government, is National supremacy.
- Article VI of that same Constitution provides for American sovereignty, which ensures that state statutes could not prevail over or refute Congressional legislation or US Supreme court decisions.
Therefore, National supremacy is the right answer.
As a member of LGBTQ+, I am constantly fighting this *cracks knuckles* here we go, bigots >:3
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it is my job and duty to say that we endure too much. Some of us have never come out in fear of rejection. Some of us have been murdered or r*aped due to us revealing our true identities. Many people have the support of parents, family, and friends. And just as many,<em> possibly even more</em>, do not. Some people may not go out with their partners in fear of being assaulted, slurred at, or having a Bible thrown at them. This is is not, never was, and never will be a choice. So just <em>why?</em> Why hate on those like you? Why hate on those who have quotidian lives just like you; people who have families just like you, people who need to shower, and eat and drink just like you?
If you believe in basic human rights, in people not being attacked by acquaintances, join me and many others in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.
sorry if it's too short; I spent <em>a lot</em> of time on this. just pls give credit UwU and may I have Brainliest? thank you :)