Monitors typically use RGB color (additive model — adding to make white), but offset printing uses CMYK pigments (subtractive color — subtracting from the existing white). Printed images have less visual range, saturation, and contrast than digital images, so in print, colors will usually appear darker and less vibrant.
Coding works through programming/programs. Programs have different coding languages, and text files. The code within the file is known as the "source CODE" this code is used in different ways, causing for the possibility of separate binary files that computers can directly run. Hope I helped.
The pseudocode to find the sum of all integers that are multiples of 9, from 1 to 250.
totalSum = 0
for i from 1 to 250{
if i is divided by 9 and remainder is 0{
totalSum = totalSum + i;
in python language the code will be
totalSum = 0
for i in range(1,250):
if i%9==0:
totalSum += i
If you will run the program , the answer would be 3402.
Edits in the document are called, C. Track changes
Pretty sure its a group of two or more computers that are linked thogether