When ingesting a substance, it had its own unique effect on our body, for better or worse. For example, take a greasy food, such as friend fries. It shoots our cholesterol way up, bringing the fat content in our bodies up. Therefore, we truly are what we eat, we eat healthy, we’ll be healthy. We eat unhealthy, we’ll be unhealthy.
The Answer is Quick energy.
The hepatitis B and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines are made this way. The vaccine is composed of a protein that resides on the surface of the virus. This strategy can be used when an immune response to one part of the virus (or bacteria) is responsible for protection against disease.Jun 28, 2016
b) Bioremediation
The use of natural occuring or intentionally introduced micoorganisms to treat environmental pollutants is called as Bioremediation.
- Most of the bioremediation processes includes oxidation-reduction reaction.
- The natural degradation process of pollutants is improved by bioremediation.
- Green plant, Decomposers and their enzymes are used in bioremediation to imrprove the condition of the environment.