Ventricular systole begins during the <u>isovolumetric contraction </u>phase of the cardiac cycle.
1. Ventricular ejection
The forceful expulsion of blood from the ventricles into the aorta and the pulmonary arteries.
2. Isovolumetric contraction
The interval between the closing of the AV valves and the opening of the semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary valves) is known as isovolumetric contraction. it is the beginig of systole. it is the first chamber systolic event. The myocardial muscle fibers have begun to shorten but have not developed enough pressure in the ventricles to overcome the aortic and pulmonary end-diastolic pressures and open the aortic and pulmonary valves. During this period of muscle fiber contraction, the ventricular volumes do not change.
3. Ventricular filling
In this stage AV valve is opened and the blood that has accumulated in atria flow rapidly into ventricles. The ventricular volume increase rapidly. A third heart sound known as S3 is heared during this stage.
4. Isovolumetric relaxation
It is the beginning of diastole. The AV valve are closed at beginig. The atrium in diastole has been filling with blood on top of the closed AV valve, causing atrial pressure to rise gradually. The pressure in the ventricles continues to drop. Ventricular volume is at a minimum and is ready to be filled again with blood.
Red Blood Cell Homeostasis: Mechanisms and Effects of Microvesicle Generation in Health and Disease. Red blood cells (RBCs) generate microvesicles to remove damaged cell constituents such as oxidized hemoglobin and damaged membrane constituents, and thereby prolong their lifespan.
Powering movement, structural support, hormone production, antibody and enzyme production
1. Galactosemia is a disease that will only be expressed when a person is<span><span><span> homozygotic recessive for that trait. It's the same as saying it </span> has</span> 2 recessive alleles.
Dominant allele-</span><span> G
recessive allele- g
Homozygotic dominant: GG <span><span>(doesn't express the disease)
</span>Heterozygotic : Gg (doesn't express the disease)
Homozygotic recessive: gg (expresses it)</span>
-Mary has this genotype: G_ . This means it can be GG or Gg
-The exercise already says that justin's mother is GG (<span>Homozygotic dominant)
</span>- If his mother is GG, one of these G's is going to be passed to Justin. So, his genotype is either GG or Gg. Since we are not sure we write as: G_.
Justin's genotype: G_
-Justin's uncle has galactosemia so his genotype is: gg
-If the uncle was able to receive two recessive alleles it means the mother had one to pass, and so did the father. However, in the diagram, it's not pointed out that they have a disease so it only leaves one possible genotype: Gg. Justin's grandparents are both Gg.
4. The last person to analyze is Justin's father.
If we crossed the grandparents (Gg x Gg) we could obtain these genotypes: GG, Gg, gg.
Justin's father doesn't express the trait, so it's not gg. That leaves us with either GG or Gg. Since we can't know for sure, onece again we write as G_
Justin's father: G_
I think the answer you are looking for is that the stomach is the fourth level of organization.