I believe it is C. All challenged the authority of the previous scientists.
The answer is below
The lasting legacy of the Battle of McHenry is the sanctification of the United States flag and the formulation of the United States national anthem. It also includes a naval tradition and the US has international recognition as a powerful sovereign nation.
The battle took place between the US and British navy in 1812 between September 13 and 14. It witnessed the repulsion of the British navy despite the American navy losing four personnel and having 24 wounded.
Both the Cold war and the Korean war are fought on the same ideology and principle.
The Korean war was important to the both the countries - United States and the USSR to show their supremacy. The Korean war is quite similar to the Cold war. The Korean war was considered as an important development in the Cold war as it was for the first time both the super powers of the world fought a "proxy war" in a third country. The ideology behind the war of communism and democracy and the confrontations of the two countries were same in the two wars. The war was fought by the communist North Kora supported by the USSR and China and the Democrat South Korea supported by USA and UK.
America handled both the war equally with the help of other democrat countries. Americas policy was to always support and spread democracy around the world. The Korea war was a proxy war for the Cold war.
“We see different views of the Universe from where we live as Earth makes its yearly trip around the solar system. That is why we have a different Star Finder for each month, as different constellations come into view.”
Well the goal of both is in essence is the complete nuclear disarmament and the promotion of the safe and non-military application of the nuclear energy.
The Limited Test Ban Treaty prohibited the testing of nuclear weapons anywhere except underground and the the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty led to the end of the spread of nuclear weapons and the states that did not possess nuclear weapons will not acquire them or create them and in exchange the states that do will provide them with the knowledge of the peaceful nuclear technology.