A because i found it on quizlet. The quizlet is made by anaghaanil
that pretty good but no offense but the face is a bit mishapen but its still really good
Dialog - interchange and discussion of ideas in a frank and open way
Revile - to be reproachful or abusive in speech
Dumbfounded - Made speechless with amazement
Reconsecrated - Set apart or rededicated as holy again
Providence - care or benevolent guidance of God
Confound - to perplex with surprise, astonishment, or amazement
Sovereign - above or superior to all others; supreme in authority
Correct answer: robbery.
Explanation: there are different kind of crimes, felonies and offenses. Robbery is the one that involves taking or the attempt to take somebody´s property by force or by putting the victim in fear. It´s a violent crime, it has a violent nature inherited (different from shop-lifting or burglary).
The characterization of the three types is the following:
- Professional intensive offenders: have robbery as a lifestyle, they commit numerous offenses.
- Amateur intermittent offenders: they choose their victims randomly, mostly vulnerable ones (women, elderlies) with known profit potencials.
- Specific-objective offenders: they commit robbery to support a drug adiction or their gambling habits.